The 7th edition of the “Raw Materials Week” will take place from 14 to 18 November 2022 as physical and online events, gathering a wide range of stakeholders discussing policies and initiatives in the field of raw materials
The 2022 Raw Materials Week will be centred around the ninth annual High-level Conference of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) on raw materials and (co-)organise several complementary events addressing the latest news on raw materials in the EU, including: Critical Raw Materials, Trends in innovation and Skills for raw materials, EU-Ukraine strategic partnership on raw materials and batteries, EU Horizon technology success stories, EU-Canada Partnership, UNECE Resource management.
During this period, SCRREEN’s 5th EU Critical Raw Materials Event will take place on Tuesday 15th November.
5th EU Critical Raw Materials Event
The Critical Raw Materials (CRM) event offers an opportunity to a variety of stakeholders to get a fresh update about the latest EU activities in the field of Critical Raw Materials. The event is co-organised by the European Commission, the Horizon 2020 project SCRREEN2 – Solutions for CRitical Raw materials – a European Expert Network 2 – and the EIT RawMaterials project IRTC – International Round Table on Materials Criticality.
Welcome and Opening Remarks by Stéphane Bourg, SCRREEN2 and Alessandra Hool, IRTC
Metals for Clean Energy – Pathways to solving Europe’s raw materials challenge – Ms. Kamila Slupek, Eurometaux
German perspective on the raw material requirements of the energy transition, InteRessE Project – Ms. Antonia Loibl, Fraunhofer
Panel discussion: “How far could we align supply and demand in EU?” chaired by Mr. Luis Tercero, Fraunhofer and SCRREEN2 project; with
- Stephane Bourg, Director, OFREMI,
- Martin Tauber, President, CRM Alliance,
- Maria Sunér, CEO, Svemin,
- Siyamend Ingo Al Barazi, Head of the raw materials sector, DERA.
Q&A with the audience
Current issues in metal supply chains: a view from industry – Ms. Patricia Bingoto-Maeder, McKinsey
Mitigating Criticality Through Transparency & Sustainability – Mr. Badrinath Veluri, Grundfos
Decision tool for raw material risk management – Ms. Dieuwertje Schrijvers, WeLOOP
Panel discussion: How can digitalization support supply chain risk mitigation? chaired by
Ms. Alessandra Hool, Coordinator of IRTC project with:
- Ms. Patricia Bingoto-Maeder
- Mr. Badrinath Veluri
- Ms. Dieuwertje Schrijvers
Q&A with the audience