The second event, aptly named ‘CRM in our everyday life’ offers an opportunity to a variety of stakeholders to get a fresh update about the latest EU activities in the field of Critical Raw Materials. The event takes place during the Raw Materials Week 2018 and is co-organised by the European Commission, and the Horizon 2020 project SCRREEN, together with the EU projects CROCODILE, NEMO, DEMETER, REE4EU, COLLECTORS, ECO COM’BAT, INTMET, SLIM, GLOREIA, EXTREME, SCALE and SustCritMat. SCRREEN will also make a presentation during the Knowledge Management Event on 15 November: “Feeding the current criticality methodology with EU-based industry data”.
Following the success of the Raw Materials Week 2017, the 3rd edition of the EU “Raw Materials Week” will take place from Monday 12 to Friday 16 November 2018 in Brussels. It builds up on a series of events organised by the European Commission addressing the latest news on raw materials in the EU. It will be a unique opportunity for the raw materials community to discuss and exchange on all relevant issues: policy, technology, international cooperation, framework conditions, knowledge base etc.
Venue: Le Plaza Hotel (Boulevard Adolphe Max 118-126, 1000 Bruxelles)
SCRREEN dedicated event page:
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