Our project has gathered experts from European initiatives, associations, clusters, and projects working on CRMs into a long lasting Expert Network on Critical Raw Materials, including the stakeholders, public authorities and civil society representatives. Therefore acting as a point of reference in Europe for CRM strategy and served as an umbrella network providing a single voice to communicate CRM data, knowledge and to the highest level.
Since 2011 and the first European CRM list, the number of materials to be screened, and the number of materials acknowledged as critical, has grown continuously. If a part of the data used in the assessment comes from existing databases such as EUROSTAT, a lot of information is split over an increasing number of publications, reports, and small databases that are not easy to access and difficult to assess. Moreover, the data covers a wide field of topics, from mining to substitution, from production to market, from environmental to societal perspectives and from biotic to abiotic materials.
Only an agile and flexible network, relying on a wide range of experts convened with purpose can support the European Commission in such an exercise. This is what SCRREEN did in September 2019 by organising a three-day validation workshop in collaboration with DG-GROW and the JRC. This is what SCRREEN intends to develop further post-project completion.
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