The first SCRREEN workshop of 2021 has been held in Brussels from 20th to 22nd of October. Organised in different sessions all the following materials were screened: Zirconium, Helium, Hafnium, Cork, Strontium, Bentonite, Gallium, Diatomite, Tin, Fluorspar, Arsenic, Limestone, Phosphate rock and elemental phosphorus, Bore, and Rhenium. This three-day workshop has been moderated by the leaders of work packages 3 (market analysis), 4 (EU demand) and 5 (supply), and The Expert Group, composed by project partners and external experts, worked together exchanging data and views in order to contribute to the update of raw materials factsheets.

The possibility to contribute to SCRREEN Expert Network and later on to the CRM strategy, it is always open; do not hesitate to contact us at and join the network!

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