PRESS RELEASE The EU is highly dependent on critical raw materials (CRMs), which are crucial for a strong European industrial base. There is a need for an expert advice to better understand the value chains of the raw materials screened in the CRMs assessment in order to secure the sustainable access to primary and secondary raw materials and particularly Critical Raw Materials (CRMs) in the EU. Making this information freely available, through the SCRREEN knowledge database and the EC Raw Materials Information System, will support decision-making at the EU level on the CRM strategies.
In this context SCRREEN2 was launched on 1 November 2020 and will last 3 years. In continuation of SCRREEN and on the strong basis of the expert network which was developed between December 2016 and December 2019, SCRREEN2, funded by the EU in the frame of the Horizon 2020 TOPIC SC5-08-2020 GA n. 958211, will continue to support the European CRM strategy and bring expert advice in support of decision-making at the EU level covering all the raw materials and their value chains screened in the CRMs 2020 assessment.
SCRREEN2 will improve data and knowledge on all screened raw materials by:
- Developing and strengthening the expert network to fill the existing gaps and to mobilize it through dedicated workshops
- Updating on a regular basis the raw materials factsheets
- Publishing sector-oriented outlook reports analysing the future supply and demand of raw materials, policy and technology gaps and innovation potential along the raw materials value chains
- Supporting the European Commission in policy-making related to CRM in general or linked to specific applications or sectors
SCRREEN2 comprises 29 recognised key actors (20 beneficiaries; 9 linked third parties) on the topics of primary and secondary CRMs as well as on the substitution of CRMs. SCRREEN2 is coordinated by Dr Stéphane Bourg from CEA. The kick-off meeting of SCRREEN2 was held Online on 20 November 2020; after the introduction of Ugo Miretti from EASME, Milan Grohol from DG GROW, all partners discussed the administrative and financial issues but mainly worked at polishing the work program for the next six months.
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