Marco de la Feld


SCRREEN Workshop 20-22 October

The first SCRREEN workshop of 2021 has been held in Brussels from 20th to 22nd of October. Organised in different sessions all the following materials were screened: Zirconium, Helium, Hafnium, Cork, Strontium, Bentonite, Gallium, Diatomite, Tin, Fluorspar, Arsenic, Limestone, Phosphate rock and elemental phosphorus, Bore, and Rhenium. This three-day workshop has been moderated by the leaders of work packages 3 (market analysis), 4 (EU demand)

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SCRREEN2 project kicks off

PRESS RELEASE The EU is highly dependent on critical raw materials (CRMs), which are crucial for a strong European industrial base. There is a need for an expert advice to better understand the value chains of the raw materials screened in the CRMs assessment in order to secure the sustainable access to primary and secondary raw materials and particularly Critical Raw

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