From the viewpoint of circular economy, a large share of products would still need improvements, particularly as regards the choice of materials and the case of residues. We also need to change our way of thinking and we need more information in order to leverage the unused potential of secondary materials. Trends affect the product cycle In its report “Circular
Launched in November 2016, the SCRREEN project aims to create a long-lasting Expert Network on Critical Raw Materials issues. The activities of the project are focused on the three pillars of critical raw materials: primary resources, secondary resources (recycling and recovery issues) and best alternatives for substitution of materials/processes. MINPOL chaired the ‘Resources’ Expert Group that will contribute to mapping, assessing and
This two-day event (June 19-20 2017) will examine developments in the materials being used in magnets and battery technology, which are all key components of electric/HE vehicles. Focusing on developments in the markets for rare earths, lithium, graphite and cobalt, the conference will address materials choice in new technology for the automotive sector and will focus on supply-chain issues for these
A European conference around CRM recovery, with an opportunity to visit the Axion trial site. This conference aims to assess the barriers to improved recovery and recycling of critical raw materials CRMs throughout the whole supply chain from the logistics of collection to advanced recovery techniques. The conference will be of interest to those responsible for the commissioning and delivery
More than 100 participants attended the 6th EU-US- Japan Trilateral Conference on Critical Materials. The theme of the 2016 Conference was “Strategies for Sustainable Supply of Critical Raw Materials”. It was a good opportunity for researchers to network and for the relevant organisations (METI, NEDO, DOE and EC) to reconfirm the importance and relevance of such dialogue both at policy and
EuroNanoForum 2017 will focus on how nano and materials technologies can strengthen competitiveness across all European industries. The discussion will also extend to framework conditions such as education, standards, regulations, IPR and safety issues, as well as entrepreneurship and industrial policy. The programme will include sessions on finance and funding through European and National programmes, in particular Horizon 2020, smart
All of the presentations given during the 1st edition of the Raw Materials Week – organised in Brussels from 28 November to 2 December 2016 – have been published on the EIP on Raw Materials’ website. During this first edition, a wide range of European and international stakeholders from industry, academia and government discussed European raw materials policies and future
PRESS RELEASE The EU is highly dependent on critical raw materials (CRMs), which are crucial for a strong European industrial base. There is a need to tackle a number of gaps in the knowledge of CRMs to foster the supply from EU sources. One of the major challenges regarding the EU knowledge base on primary and secondary CRMs as well