Over 180 delegates registered for the SCRREEN Webinars held on 8th and 15th May 2019 to find out more about Critical Raw Materials. If you missed out, don’t worry! Below, you can find access the full webinar recording and the presentation slides online. The SCRREEN webinars were hosted by project partner, KTN and were delivered by Darren Hill, KTN, Peter Clark, KTN, Andrew
Background Raw materials are crucial to Europe’s economy and essential to maintaining and improving our quality of life. Securing reliable and unhindered access to certain raw materials is a growing concern within the EU and across the globe. To address this challenge, the European Commission has created a list of Critical Raw Materials (CRMs). CRMs combine a high economic importance to
On 30-31 January 2018, a SCRREEN Expert Group (EG) meeting took place in Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre. Day one was dedicated to the production of critical raw materials, and day two zoomed in on the critical raw materials (CRM) market. The ‘Production’ Expert Group addressed the role of circular economy, environmental performance and innovation in the CRM value chain.
In the months leading up to today, the SCRREEN consortium has mapped and analysed experts and stakeholders from different communities and CRM sectors. This information has helped to shape a structured plan for a stakeholders consultation. The project mapped the main CRM applications in the EU based on literature review and complemented by its own analysis. This was enriched with information on the
A 30-MONTH PROJECT TO STRENGTHEN EUROPE’S CRITICAL RAW MATERIAL STRATEGY Nearly seven years have passed since the prices of critical raw materials have soared e.g. rare earth elements prices, and since the launch of the Raw Materials Initiative and the publication of the first CRM list. The European Union has made great progress towards a raw material strategy that led to
Launched in November 2016, the SCRREEN project aims to create a long-lasting Expert Network on Critical Raw Materials issues. The activities of the project are focused on the three pillars of critical raw materials: primary resources, secondary resources (recycling and recovery issues) and best alternatives for substitution of materials/processes. MINPOL chaired the ‘Resources’ Expert Group that will contribute to mapping, assessing and
PRESS RELEASE The EU is highly dependent on critical raw materials (CRMs), which are crucial for a strong European industrial base. There is a need to tackle a number of gaps in the knowledge of CRMs to foster the supply from EU sources. One of the major challenges regarding the EU knowledge base on primary and secondary CRMs as well