SCRREEN2 provides CRM expert advice in support of decision-making at the EU level covering all the raw materials and their value chains through the SCRREEN European CRM expert network that already supported DG-GROW and EC JRC in the 2020 criticality assessment.

What are the SCRREEN European CRM expert network activities?

The core activity of this Network consist of collecting and analysing data in order to keep updated the EU Factsheets related to all raw materials screened in the CRM assessment of 2020 (83 materials). These data will also support the work done at the EC, by JRC with DG GROW to develop Materials System Analyses (MSA) and value chain studies.

In parallel, the Network will support the Commission in the foresight analysis of the future supply and demand of raw materials, policy and technology gaps and innovation potential along the raw materials value chains by editing every year at least 2 outlook reports.

Who can be a member?

The Network, is built as a two tier layer structure (the Consortium and External Experts) and includes industry, research, public authorities and civil society representatives, in order to allow a multi-stakeholder dialogue on a topic with potentially wide-ranging societal, economic, geopolitical and environmental implications.

How to join the SCRREEN European CRM expert network?

Contact the project coordinator, Gaétan Lefebvre  at expressing you willingness of being part of the Expert Network and he will get in touch with you.

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